Acacia honey
Acacia honey is one of the most valuable types of honey. From its name, it is clear that it is collected from acacia - white or yellow, as this affects the colour of the product. The one made of yellow acacia has a light yellow color while the honey made of white acacia is practically colourless. Characterized by a light fragrance of flowers and a mild flavor, it does not feel bitter like the one made of buckwheat or chestnuts, for example. One of the distinctive properties of acacia honey is its ability to be stored for a long time in a liquid state, starting to crystallize about a year after its collection. Due to the high content of fructose, the product is easily absorbed by the body and is suitable for children suffering from diabetes. It can be consumed by diabetics because it does not require the hormone insulin for processing. Acacia honey does not cause allergies and consists of a lot of carotene and enzymes that contribute to a better digestion. When it comes to the composition and the nutritional properties of the product, we should mention that the content of fructose (fruit sugar) is 40.35 % and that of sucrose - 35.98%. This makes it the best source of fruit sugar not only among different types of honey, but also among other sweet products.