

Advora Ltd. performs pollination of agricultural crops, transporting its bee families in close proximity of the plantations. The company is practicing mobile bee-keeping and the bee-hives are moved with the help of a bus with a platform and an installed crane.

The yields of entomophilous (pollinated by insects) plants are increased significantly - up to 40 % through pollination by honeybees.
Entomophilous plants and pollinating insects have built a close connection in the course of their evolutionary development. To obtain good results, we should provide the concentration of entomophilous cultures with the corresponding concentration of pollinating insects. This is achieved with the use of honeybees. They alone form large colonies with several thousand individuals and are raised in beehives which can be quickly transported where needed. Additionally, honeybees contribute to improving the quality of fruits and seeds, increasing of the viability of the plants generation and their overall development. Pollinating entomophilous plants, honeybees retain biodiversity and maintain ecological balance. Honeybees are responsible for 85-98 % of the pollinating activities, turning them into the most important and major pollinator.

The company makes deliveries of all bee products to customers’ addresses with a proven on the Bulgarian market transport company.

The company provides hotel chains with honeycomb stands, designed by Advora Ltd., as well as individual projects according to the client’s requirements.